Apologies for the lack of news on our website lately.

Once the drought, fires and floods had passed this summer, we surveyed our community garden beds and found that many of the veggies that had come to a standstill, trying to cope with the weather conditions, dust storms etc, had sprung back into life and were bearing well.

Just in time for our local Moss Vale Agricultural Show, in fact.  We love supporting our local show!

So, we gathered all manner of organic fruit & vegetables that we could submit as entries in the Pavilion.  Although we felt our chosen exhibits were not up to our usual standards, we were aware that everyone else growing backyard food in the Shire was in the same boat.  And it is exciting waiting in anticipation to see how many 1st and 2nd prizes we have won.  We even won two sashes this year for the “Most Successful Exhibitor – Vegetables” AND “Most Successful Exhibitor – Fruit”.

Here are photos of some of the other results! There are even more on our Facebook page.

Why don’t you join in and submit some veggies of your own next year?