Category Archives: Workshops

An Introduction to Biochar by Mark Williamson (Biochar workshop facilitator)

Two significant developments in soil management in recent years can have important improvements for anyone interested in managing soils. Bio-Char and high fungal composts are both individually significant and the combination of both is greater than the sum of the parts. Both were demonstrated on the 22nd of July 8:30am at the Moss Vale Community Garden Centre.

Through seeing various examples of charcoal production and then inoculating the char it was hoped that participants were be able to produce this important soil amendment. Related to the inoculation process, a demonstration setup and management of a Johnson-Su high fungal compost system was also part of the day’s activities.

There is lots of debate about the long-term significance of these processes in the global context. Being able to efficiently produce and gain advantage from these processes is an excellent way to both enhance our own results and improve agricultural outcomes wherever the larger debate ends up.

These techniques are relevant to anyone seeking good soil outcomes. Farmers, orchardists, gardeners, reveg practitioners, and landscapers will benefit from gaining these skills and understanding their benefits.

Knowing how these beneficial processes are done is an important first step.

BIO-CHAR Workshop

WHEN: Saturday 22nd July 2023 : 8.30am – 3.00pm

HOSTED BY: Moss Vale Community Garden
Railway St, Moss Vale (by the Tennis Courts)

COST: $25.00 per person for the day (includes m/tea)
Registration essential. Bookings close: 18th July. Numbers limited.

HOW: phone Jill on 0414 545 735 or email
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More details here: Bio-Char workshop details

Grafting Workshop

Due to popular demand, we are holding a workshop for grafting fruit trees.

When:   10.00am – 3pm, Saturday 5th September 2020

What:    It’s a hands-on workshop demonstrating the techniques for grafting fruit trees.

Grow your own – graft your own!

 Cost:     $20 for the day (includes 1 free rootstock & 1 scion)
Participants will be taking home a young grafted fruit tree of their choice along with grafting knowledge from the workshop.

Flyer can be downloaded here: Flyer A5 Grafting Workshop Sept 2020.

To make a booking or for further details, call Jill on (0414) 545 735 or send an email to: email hidden; JavaScript is required


Numbers are strictly limited to 20 so please book early for a spot

NB: This event will go ahead depending on the restrictions re: Covid19.

Schools Strike 4 Climate Event

Grow Your Own Food Security

When:        1.00pm  –  3.00pm

Friday 15th March 2019

Where:      Railway Street, Moss Vale



Climate Change and Food (In)Security

Guest Speaker:  Debbie Hunt

“How will climate change affect our food supply?”

“What can we do in response?”


Hands-on Activity:  Plant a Square Foot Garden

Everyone Welcome:   Bring some gloves & get involved


Details:  Jill (0414) 545735

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and on Facebook

Flyer here.

Supporting Climate Action Initiatives Globally and Locally