Sunday Openings Suspended for Winter

It was decided at our recent committee meeting to cancel our Sunday opening sessions until next Spring.

So this Sunday (7th April), the MVCG will be closed and will reopen for first Sunday sessions at a date later in the year. The reasons for the cessation of Sunday morning sessions include the lack of volunteers willing to open and operate the gardens particularly during the upcoming cold months.

Watch this space for our Spring Open Sunday event!

Schools Strike 4 Climate Event

Grow Your Own Food Security

When:        1.00pm  –  3.00pm

Friday 15th March 2019

Where:      Railway Street, Moss Vale



Climate Change and Food (In)Security

Guest Speaker:  Debbie Hunt

“How will climate change affect our food supply?”

“What can we do in response?”


Hands-on Activity:  Plant a Square Foot Garden

Everyone Welcome:   Bring some gloves & get involved


Details:  Jill (0414) 545735

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and on Facebook

Flyer here.

Supporting Climate Action Initiatives Globally and Locally



Open Day – Sunday 3rd March, 2019

We will be opening our gates from 10am until 1pm on the first Sunday of each month in 2019 for anyone in the community who would like to come along and see what we do, tour the community garden, and get involved with activities on the day.

So, if you are unable to come down on our usual opening days of Monday and Thursday, why not call in, dressed to garden, and get involved with our regular garden activities whilst learning how to grow food organically?  Activities may include everything from sowing seed, transplanting seedlings, worm farm management, watering, making compost, pruning, harvesting, mulching garden beds and weeding.

We also do quite a bit of chatting and information sharing during the activities.

This month, Jo Dodd of Quarter Acre Farm in Mittagong has kindly offered to give us a talk on “Edible Flowers – Which Ones and How to Use in the Kitchen.”

Simple morning tea provided. Don’t forget your gloves, hat and suitable footwear!!


Download Flyer here.